Out-of-bounds Glitch Explained- Steps, Tips, And More (2024)


For people that want to trigger this glitch, I have done this glitch several times (recently on a giraffe?) so I have written steps and tips on how to do it.Here are the steps and tips-

1) Unlock the Ostrich. If you already have it, go to step 2.

Tip: If you can have a baby animal that has the ability to make animals run faster.

2) In the stampede, push your self (but watch out! you can crash into the sidewall. You don't want that.) into the sidewall.

Tip: Keep pressing the left arrow key (computer) or keep your finger to the left (Ipad or phone.)

Tip: Try to stay close to the wall, and try not to bump into animals.

Out-of-bounds Glitch Explained- Steps, Tips, And More (1)

Tip: If there is a waterfall, stop pressing the left arrow key (computer) or move to the left a little. (Ipad or phone.) once past, press the left arrow key (computer) or push to the sidewall again. (Ipad or phone.)

3) Try to make it past 15,000m. Once pasted, you will start to notice that you are starting to go into the sidewall, but then getting pushed back out. This is fine, just keep pushing yourself into the sidewall.

4) Eventually, you will make it to the other side of the sidewall. (P.S: I know this works because I have done this multiple times.)

Tip: Once you are out of bounds, you can still go to the sidewall. But if you do, you will be back in the stampede.

5) If you want to end the glitch, simply jump off your animal.:)

NOTE: This can happen BEFORE 15,000m, but after 15,000, there is a higher chance of this happening. This happened to me one time around 12,000m.

I hope this helps people who want to do this glitch!

(ALSO: I am not sure if this works on pads and phones because I play on a Chromebook. But if you play on a pad or phone and this glitch still works, let me know!)

EDIT: This glitch can only work on the Poki version.


So what happened was I was on an ostrich. I kept crashing into obstacles, animals, etc... And I was SO STRESSED OUT! That's when I tried to stay on the edge of the sidewalls. I can't believe it! It worked! I wasn't crashing into anything! ( Except sometimes, when there were waterfalls and animals in the edges.) But then, that's when I started to get a new high score. Usually,I die around 3000m, but I got to 10,000m! My newest high score! But that's when I realized my ostrich was running WAY too fast... And I liked it! I thoughtThis was I can achieve a higher high score!But then that's when I kind of went inside the sidewall, then got pushed out. I thought this was just lag, so I just kept going. This happened a couple more times when suddenly, I went in the sidewall and didn't get pushed out. I was WAY CONFUSED. I was just on a tan ground. ( Like in the bottom image.) I tried getting back to the stampede, and I did. I just fell back into the stampede. And that's when I crashed into a rock. I was confused, laughing, a little sad because I was achieving a high score but it stopped at 78,000m. ( A good score, but still...) And that's when I posted this glitch onto this wiki because I thought they would have some info about this glitch... But no. So I posted some images and questions and more in the Glitches and Bugs page, and eventually, CollectorManiac came and told me that he will put the glitch in the Glitches and Bugs page. But I still wanted to figure out what happened! So, I tried to do it again.That's when I figured it out.If you are on an angry ostrich, it speeds up, right? But past 15,000m, it just lags like crazy. That's when the player starts going in the sidewall, but then getting pushed out. Eventually, you will get in! That's how I wrote the steps and tips and how I found this glitch.

Out-of-bounds Glitch Explained- Steps, Tips, And More (2)


This just happened really recently. I was trying to do this glitch, but I accidentally bumped into an animal. (whoops.) But luckily, there was a giraffe, so I got on it. It was speeding really fast, almost like the ostrich. I was scared I was going to bump into something, so I pushed myself onto the sidewall again. That's where it gets weird. I went in it, WITHOUT THE OSTRICH! This could mean that... This glitch could work without the ostrich?

Out-of-bounds Glitch Explained- Steps, Tips, And More (3)
Out-of-bounds Glitch Explained- Steps, Tips, And More (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.